Pisano's Family
Pisano belongs to the group of small family vignerons with an artisan tradition of making wines that reflect the character of the land and the people who make them.
Family hands cultivate the grapes, taking away excess crops in productive years, taking leaves away to expose the bunches to the sun for better maturation and skin colour.
Small quantities of each variety allow to wait the perfect maturation to the last day. We begin picking the early maturing varieties the 10th of February and by beginning of April we collect the last ones.
"World needs people that loves what they do."
Atlantic's Wines
A privileged location on the 'Rio de la Plata', with exit to the Atlantic Ocean, sets the obvious strategic value of our country benefits.
Ruta 68 km 29
Progreso 90300, Uruguay
3440'33,3''S & 5612'24,5''W